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Mod List

(1.0.0, Updated 2023-01-19):

  1. Abnormals Delight​

  2. Ad Astra

  3. Additional Lights

  4. Additional Enchanted Miner (Quarry Plus)

  5. Advancement Plaques

  6. AE2 Things

  7. AI Improvements

  8. Alex's Mobs

  9. Allurement

  10. Almost Unified

  11. Ambient Environment

  12. Ambient Sounds

  13. Antighost

  14. Advent of Ascension 3

  15. Appleskin

  16. Applied Energistics 2

  17. Applied Mekanistics

  18. Aquaculture

  19. Aquamirae

  20. Architectury

  21. Ars Creo

  22. Ars Nouveau

  23. Artifacts

  24. AttributeFix

  25. AutoRegLib

  26. Auudio

  27. Avaratia Lite

  28. Balm

  29. Bedrock Miner

  30. Berry Good

  31. BetterAdvancements

  32. BetterFPS

  33. BetterModsButton

  34. BetterStats

  35. Better Taskbar

  36. BetterThirdPerson

  37. Biome Makeover

  38. Biomes O' Plenty

  39. Blue Skies

  40. Blueprint

  41. Boat Item View

  42. Boatload

  43. Bookshelf

  44. Botania

  45. Botarium

  46. Buzzier Bees

  47. Caelus

  48. Canary

  49. Cave Enhancements

  50. Charging Gadgets

  51. Chat Heads

  52. Cherished Worlds

  53. Citadel

  54. Cloth Config

  55. Clumps

  56. CodeChickenLib

  57. COFH Core

  58. Collective

  59. Comforts

  60. Configured

  61. Connected Glass

  62. Connectivity

  63. Controllable

  64. Controlling

  65. Cooking For Blockheads

  66. CorgiLib

  67. CosmeticArmorReworked

  68. CraftTweaker

  69. Create

  70. Create Crafts & Additions

  71. Create Café

  72. Create Confectionery

  73. Create Deco

  74. Create Stuff & Additions

  75. CreativeCore

  76. Cucumber

  77. Curios

  78. DarkUtilities

  79. Decorative Blocks

  80. Deeper Darker

  81. Desolation

  82. Dimensional Dungeons

  83. Ding

  84. DrawerFPS

  85. Dreamland

  86. DrippyLoadingScreen

  87. Droplight

  88. Dungeons Enhanced

  89. Dungeons Plus

  90. Dynamic Lights: Reforged

  91. Dynamic Music

  92. Easier Sleeping

  93. Ecologics

  94. Effective

  95. OpenBlocks Elevator

  96. Elytra Slot

  97. Emendatus Enigmatica

  98. Enchantment Descriptions

  99. EnderStorage

  100. Ender Trigon

  101. Enhanced Celestials

  102. Enigmatic Legacy

  103. EntityCulling

  104. Every Compat (Wood Good)

  105. ExpandAbility

  106. Explorify

  107. Extreme Reactors

  108. Falling Leaves

  109. Fallingthrough mod

  110. FallingTree

  111. FancyMenu

  112. Farmer's Delight

  113. Farsight mod

  114. Fast Workbench

  115. FastLeafDecay

  116. Ferrite Core

  117. Flux networks

  118. Flywheel

  119. Forbidden & Arcanus

  120. ForgeMeChunk

  121. FPS Reducer

  122. FriendlyFire

  123. FTB Backups 2

  124. FTB Chunks

  125. FTB Essentials

  126. FTB Library

  127. FTB Ranks

  128. FTB Teams

  129. FTB Ultimine

  130. GeckoLib

  131. Get it Together, Drops!

  132. Global Packs

  133. Gobber 2

  134. Guard Villagers

  135. Guide-API

  136. Highlighter

  137. IC2 Classic (IndustrialCraft 2)

  138. Iceberg

  139. Immersive Engineering

  140. Incendium

  141. Incubation

  142. Industrial Foregoing

  143. Infernal Expansion

  144. Iron Chests

  145. Iron Furnaces

  146. Item Borders

  147. Jade

  148. Jade Addons

  149. Jumpy Boats

  150. Just Enough Items (JEI)

  151. Just Enough Resources (JER)

  152. KleeSlabs

  153. Konkrete

  154. Legendary Tooltips

  155. Little Contraptions

  156. Little Logistics

  157. Load My Resources

  158. Logprot

  159. Loot Journal

  160. Macaw's Bridges

  161. Macaw's Doors

  162. Macaw's Fences and Walls

  163. Macaw's Furniture

  164. Macaw's Lights and Lamps

  165. Macaw's Paintings

  166. Macaw's Paths and Pavings

  167. Macaw's Roofs

  168. Macaw's Trapdoors

  169. Macaw's Windows

  170. Majrusz Library

  171. Majrusz's Progressive Difficulty

  172. MaxHealthFix

  173. McJtyLib

  174. Mekanism

  175. Mekanism: Additions

  176. Mekanism: Generators

  177. Mekanism: Tools

  178. Missing Wilds

  179. MMO Parties

  180. Modern World Creation

  181. Moog's Voyager Structures

  182. Moonlight Library

  183. More Dragon Eggs

  184. MoreMcMeta

  185. Mouse Tweaks

  186. MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy)

  187. MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod

  188. MyServerIsCompatible

  189. Mystical Agradditions

  190. Mystical Agriculture

  191. Nature's Compass

  192. Neapolitan

  193. Nether's Exoticism

  194. NetherPortalFix

  195. NotEnoughAnimations Mod

  196. Obscure API

  197. Oculus (Iris port)

  198. Out of Sight

  199. Overloaded Armor Bar

  200. Paragon

  201. Patchouli

  202. Personality

  203. Physics Mod

  204. Pluto

  205. PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

  206. PolyLib

  207. Polymorph

  208. Presence Footsteps (Forge)

  209. Prism

  210. Pyromancer

  211. Quark

  212. Quark Oddities

  213. ReAuth

  214. Refined Storage

  215. Regrowth

  216. Relics

  217. Repurposed Structures

  218. Resourceful Lib

  219. Resourceful Config

  220. RFTools Base

  221. RFTools Builder

  222. RFTools Power

  223. RFTools Storage

  224. RFTools Utility

  225. Right Click, Get Crops

  226. Rubidium (Sodium port)

  227. Rubidium Extra

  228. Saturn

  229. Savage & Ravage

  230. Shield Expansion

  231. Shutup Experimental Settings!

  232. Simply Swords

  233. Small Ships Mod

  234. Smallbiomes Mod

  235. SmartBrainLib

  236. Smoothchunk Mod

  237. Spohisticated Backpacks

  238. Sophisticated Core

  239. Sound Physics Remastered

  240. SpectreLib

  241. Stalwart Dungeons

  242. Starlight

  243. Storage Drawers

  244. Structory

  245. Structory: Towers

  246. Structure Gel API

  247. SuperMartijn642's Core Lib

  248. SwingThroughGlass

  249. TCD Commons API

  250. Teamlapen Library

  251. TerraBlender

  252. Terralith

  253. TexTrue's Rubidium Options

  254. The Twilight Forest

  255. The Undergarden

  256. Thermal Cultivation

  257. Thermal Expansion

  258. Thermal Foundation

  259. Thermal Innovation

  260. Thermal Integration

  261. Tiered Shulkers

  262. Tips

  263. Tip The Scales

  264. Titanium

  265. Toast Control

  266. Torchmaster

  267. ToroHealth

  268. TrashSlot

  269. Tslat EffectsLib

  270. Tumbleweed

  271. Unstructured [FORGE]

  272. Valhelsia Core

  273. Vampirism

  274. Vanilla Zoom

  275. ViesCraft Machines

  276. Waddles

  277. Waystones

  278. What's The Slot

  279. William Wythers Overhauled Overworld

  280. Windswept

  281. Xaero's Minimap

  282. YUNG'S API

  283. YUNG'S Better Desert Temples

  284. YUNG's Better Dungeons

  285. YUNG's Better Mineshafts

  286. YUNG's Better Ocean Monuments

  287. YUNG's Better Strongholds

  288. YUNG's Better Witch Huts

  289. YUNG's Extras

  290. Zero Core 2

©2024 Henriko Magnifico.

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