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Meine Spiele

Warte, du machst Spiele ???

  • Jap! Ich habe bisher einige Spiele gemacht und die, auf die ich am stolzesten bin, habe ich hier veröffentlicht, damit jeder der möchte sie einfach herunterladen und (einige) spielen kann. Wenn es Fragen zu einem meiner Spiele gibt, zögere bitte nicht, mich auf Discord anzuschreiben!

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Windows, Mac, Linux

Mama Goose

A cute game about a mother goose on their quest to save baby animals from hungry foxes!

Currently in development! ETA is Summer 2023.

No demo available at the moment.

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Windows, Mac, Linux

Under the Roots

A game about a corageous toadstool who's on a journey to find a cure for a deadly disease beneath the forest floor.

Currently in early development! No ETA yet.

Get the pre-alpha prototype here!



Fan Projects

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An enhanced experimental version of the original The Legend of Zelda built from the ground up using mostly the same in-game assets and level design. It offers quite a few interesting features and mechanics exclusive to this version like enhanced lighting, object shadows, 1080p resolution, a seamless open world without screen-transitions in the overworld and a 16:9 widescreen format for modern screens. I've also added some features just for fun, like flammable grass and cuttable trees! (similar to that Breath of the Wild 2D prototype)

For more information and a download link to the demo, visit this page!

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EarthBound: Reborn

A small preview of my Earthbound "remake" or whatever you want to call it.

The goal of this project is to learn and to implement an improved* battle system.

Textures, music, story and pretty much all else will remain the same as the original. However, as the game was rebuilt from scratch, I've of course made quite a few changes from the original game.​

Check out the video showcases here!

©2025 Henriko Magnifico.

Nintendo, its products, and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Any references made to Nintendo or its intellectual property on this website are solely for descriptive purposes and do not imply any endorsement or affiliation with Nintendo.

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