Hi, I know this doesn't strictly fall under texture packs, but I have a strange issue and I can't find any info about it; basically when I play on the 60fps version of the HD OoT pack, whenever I crawl into a crawlspace (eg, where you get the Kokiri sword), Link will crawl in the first bit of the way, but then my controls will lock up and I can't move any direction, all I can do is press start or select to save the game. I tried the same thing in the 30fps version, and it works fine, so I dunno what the issue could be, very strange. I have a workaround of just saving, copying my save over to the 30 fps version, saving, copying back, etc, but that's gonna become very time consuming :(
Krzysztof Brudnoryjec
12. Apr. 2024
Gefällt mir
Hi! Sorry for the... oh wow nearly 4 week slow response. I never got a notification about this post for some reason so I didn’t see it until now, again sorry about that! I hope you got the issue resolved earlier on Discord or something of the like. Either way, this is an issue with the 60 FPS patch and is ”normal”. The way to work around it is to hold LB+RB+D-Pad Up before and during crawling, this will temporarily disable the 60 FPS patch (and make the game double speed) and will avoid the softlock you will encounter otherwise while going through tunnels. I hope this answers your question!