Hi, I know this doesn't strictly fall under texture packs, but I have a strange issue and I can't find any info about it; basically when I play on the 60fps version of the HD OoT pack, whenever I crawl into a crawlspace (eg, where you get the Kokiri sword), Link will crawl in the first bit of the way, but then my controls will lock up and I can't move any direction, all I can do is press start or select to save the game. I tried the same thing in the 30fps version, and it works fine, so I dunno what the issue could be, very strange. I have a workaround of just saving, copying my save over to the 30 fps version, saving, copying back, etc, but that's gonna become very time consuming :(
Krzysztof Brudnoryjec
12. Apr. 2024
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